Event Planning

SLO Rotary Club’s Annual Spaghetti Western Fundraiser


Ya’ll come back now ya’ here?

And they did, year after year since 2012 (minus 2020 & 2021 for very apparent reasons), we corralled quite a few folk to come on out to the SLO Rotary Club’s Spaghetti Western where they had a hoopla of fun and the club raised money for student scholarships! Could there be a better reason to put a shine on yer boots and come on out to serve your feller folk?

When planning any event, I start with a vision of what the experience should be like for the attendee. What special experience can we give them to make them want to come back again and again. Then I take that vision and weave it through all of the marketing materials, advertising, social stamps, and of course the event itself. The difference between an event for a client and an event for a non-profit fundraiser is budget. When you want to raise money, you don’t want to spend it.

Here is what I did:

  • Developed an overall marketing and event plan

  • Broke out the event plan to responsibilities and assigned committee leads

  • Committee leads were responsible for their areas - some of which covered

    • Laid out timeline and deadlines

    • Developed publicity campaign; press releases, radio, PSAs

    • Designed all event materials; tickets, posters, flyers, etc.

    • Seeked sponsorships and media partners

    • Secured event vendors and needs

    • Secured volunteers

    • Designed design and logistics plan for day of event

  • Held committee meetings for event updates and resolved any issues

  • Day of:

    • Implemented design plan

    • Run through for logistics

    • Ensured all was ready to go and open the doors